UPDATE: EVAPorate Violence Program

EVAPorate Domestic Violence Program Having enjoyed long-standing partnerships with local police departments in the effort to end domestic violence crime, Medford Police Detective Brooke Stanton-Hurd recently visited with the Everett Police Department and its onsite EVAPorate Violence Program (“EVAP”).  EVAP was created through the innovation of former Mayor David Ragucci and former Police Chief James Rogers who partneredContinue reading “UPDATE: EVAPorate Violence Program”

VOCA Grant Award

Portal To Hope (“PTH”) was awarded a Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant via the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA) which will help the nonprofit organization to build capacities and further efforts to serve people whose lives have been impacted by domestic violence crime. Nationally recognized for its innovative partnership with the Everett Police Department, PTH’s comprehensive serviceContinue reading “VOCA Grant Award”